Roop K. Kaw, M.D. - Bibliography and Presentations
1. Kaw R, Michota F, Jaffer A, Ghamande S, Auckley D, Golish J. Unrecognized Sleep apnea in the Surgical patient: Implications for the Perioperative setting. Chest. 2006;129:198-205.
2. Mishra R, Kaw R. Foix and Alajouanine Syndrome: An Uncommon cause of Myelopathy from an Anatomic Variant Circulation. Southern Medical Journal: Vol. 98(5). May, 2005.
3. Kaw R. Is MRSA more pathogenic in Critically Ill patients? Archives of Internal Medicine. Vol.163 (6). March 24, 2003.
4. Roop Kaw, Carmen Gota, Ana Bennett, David Barnes, Leonard Calabrese
Lupus-Related Hepatitis: Complication of Lupus or Autoimmune Association? Case Report and Review of the Literature
Digestive Diseases and Sciences. Issue: Volume 51, Number 4, Date: April 2006 (813 - 818).
5. Kaw R, Golish J, Ghamande S, Burgess R, Walker E, Foldvary N. Impact of Obstructive Sleep Apnea on Cardiac Surgical Outcomes. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery ( Accepted for publication).
1. Incremental risk of Sleep Apnea on cardiac Surgical Outcomes.
Sleep Research Society. (Abstract accepted) Annual meeting. Innsbruck, Austria, September 2006.
2. Perioperative issues in Sleep disordered Breathing.
Society of Hospital Medicine. (Abstract accepted). Annual meeting. Washington DC, May 2006.
3. Interim Session World Federation of Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine Societies.
New Delhi India. September, 2005
4. Faculty Perioperative Medicine Summit. Cleveland Clinic Foundation.
Cleveland, Ohio. September, 2005
5. Hospital Medicine Case Conference Grave’s Disease as a cause of Reversible Pulmonary
Hypertension. Cleveland Clinic Foundation. Cleveland, Ohio. June, 2005
6. Speaker Stroke 2005 Faculty Training Program.
San Diego, California. January, 2005
7. Lupus related Hepatitis: Complication of Lupus or Auto-immune association.
Society of Hospital Medicine. Northeast Regional Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts. May, 2004
8. Preoperative Pulmonary Evaluation. Grand Rounds. Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Dept. of General Internal Medicine. Cleveland, Ohio. May, 2004
9. Hospital Medicine case conference. A 34 year old female with Lupus and elevated Liver enzymes. Cleveland Clinic Foundation. Cleveland, Ohio. November, 2003
10. Staphylococcal Bacteremias in Elderly Hospitalized Patients. Risk factors and predictors of outcome. Grand Rounds. Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Dept. of General Internal Medicine. Cleveland, Ohio. October, 2002
11. Developing your Program and developing your Faculty. Spring Precourse. Association of Program Directors in Internal Medicine Atlanta, Georgia. 2001
12. Turning your educational work into Scholarship. Spring Precourse. Association of Program Directors in Internal Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 2000
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