Amir K. Jaffer, M.D. - Bibliography and Presentations
1. Castagliuolo, I., LaMont, J.T., Letourneau, R., Kelly, C.P., O’Keane, J.C., Jaffer, A., Theoharides, T.C., Pothoulakis, C. Neuronal Involvement in the intestinal effects of Clostridium difficile Toxin A and Vibrio Cholera enterotoxin in rat ileum. Gastroenterology, 1994; 107: 657-665.
2. Pothoulakis, C., Castagliuolo, I., LaMont, J.T., Jaffer., A., O’Keane, J.C., Snider, R., Leeman, S.E. CP 96,345, a Substance P antagonist inhibits rat intestinal responses to Toxin A but not Cholera Toxin. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 1994; 91:947-957.
3. Jaffer, A., Leifer, D. Cerebral Venous Thrombosis. New England Journal of Medicine,. 1997; 337:395
4. Jaffer, A , Calabrese, L. Severe back and abdominal pain in a 44 year old female. The Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine,1998; 65:515-518
5. Deitcher, S, Caiola E, Jaffer, A. Demystifying two common genetic predispositions to venous thrombosis. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine, 2000; 67:825-836.
6. Brotman DJ, Jaffer A. Coach class thrombosis: Is the risk real? What do we tell our patients? Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine, 2002; 69(11): 832-837.
7. Jaffer, A, Bragg L. Practical tips for Warfarin dosing and monitoring. The Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine,2003;70:361-371
8. Jaffer AK, Brotman DJ and Chukwumerije N. When patients on warfarin need surgery. Cleve Clin J Med 2003; 70:973-984.
9. Hurbanek J, Jaffer A, Tomford JW, Gordon S and Ghaffari S. A 46-year-old intravenous drug user with fever. Cleve Clin J Med 2003; 70:906-908.
10. Jaffer, AK and Brotman, DJ. Perioperative Care: An Opportunity to Expand and Diversify the Hospitalist’s Portfolio. The Hospitalist, March/April 2004 and Published again in The Hospitalist Supplement on Perioperative care in 2005.
11. Brotman DJ, Jaffer A. Low molecular weight heparin or stockings for preventing coach class thrombosis? Arch Intern Med 2004; 104:2500-01
12. Hurbanek J, Jaffer AK, Morra N, Karafa M, Brotman DJ. Postmenopausal hormone replacement and venous thromboembolism following hip and knee arthroplasty. Thromb Haemost. 2004 Aug;92(2):337-43
13. Brotman DJ, Jaffer AK, Hurbanek JG, Morra N. Warfarin prophylaxis and venous thromboembolism in the first 5 days following hip and knee arthroplasty. Thromb Haemost. 2004 Nov;92(5):1012-7.
14. Jaffer, AK. Issues in Anticoagulant Therapy: Recent trials start to answer tough questions. Cleve Clin J Med 2005; 72:157-163.
15. Jaffer, AK, Sangani, B. Evidenced-based approach to the Preoperative Evaluation. Primary Care Reports 2004;10(10);111-126.
16. Jaffer, AK, Brotman, DB and Michota, F. Current and emerging Options int he Management of Venous Thromboembolism. Cleve Clin J Med 2005; 72(S1)S14-S23.
17. Jaffer AK, Barsoum, WK, Hurbanek JG, Morra N, Krebs, V, Brotman DJ. Duration of Anesthesia and Venous Thromboembolism Following Orthopedic Surgery. Mayo Clinic Proceedings 2005;80(6):732-738.
18. Jaffer, AK, Ahmed, M, Bragg, L, Seshadri, N, Brotman, DJ, Qadeer, M and Klein A. Low-Molecular weight-Heaprins as periprocedural anticoaglation for patietns on long-term warfarin therapy: A standardized bridging protocol. Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis. In Press
19. Kaw R, Michota F, Jaffer A, Ghamande S, Auckley D, Golish J. Unrecognized Sleep apnea in the Surgical patient: Implications for the Peri-operative setting. Chest; 2005 (in press).
20. Jaffer, AK, Brotman, DJ, Sridharan, ST, Litaker, DG, Michota, F, Frost, SD, Girgis, JA, Pioro, MH, Correia, NG, Widmann, HJ, Kippes, CM, Stoller, JK. Postoperative Pulmonary Complications: Experience with an Outpatient Pre-operative Assessment Program. Journal of Clincal Outcomes Management. In Press
1. Castagliuolo, I., Papadimitriu, G., Jaffer, A., Kelly, C.P., LaMont, J.T., Pothoulakis, C. Saccharomyces boulardii secretes a protease which inhibits C.difficile Toxin A receptor binding and enterotoxicity
Presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of the American Gastroenterology Association, May 15-21, 1993, Boston, MA.
Gastroenterology, 1993; 104: A678.
2. Pothoulakis, C., Castagliuolo, I., Jaffer, A., Snider, R.M., LaMont, J.T., Leeman, S.. Inhibition of Intestinal effects of Clostridium difficile Toxin A by a specific Substance P antagonist.
Presented at the II United European Gastroenterology Week, July 19-24 1993, Barcelona, Spain.
Gut, 1993; 34:S36
3. Machicao V, Alarcon F, Jones T, Madwar S, Kamarei S and Jaffer A. Hormone Replacement Therapy: Knowledge of its benefits is a good predictor of acceptance.
Presented at the 22nd Annual Society of General Internal Medicine Meeting, April 29-May1, 1999, San Francisco, CA.
Journal of General of Internal Medicine, 2000
Presented at the Cleveland Clinic Internal Medicine Research Day, 2000
4. Gaddis R.M., Deitcher S.R., Uppal R., Jaffer, A. Attitudes towards Outpatient Deep Venous Thrombosis Treatment: A Survey of General Internists and Family Physicians.
Presented at the Cleveland Clinic Internal Medicine Research Day, 2000
5. Cheong B, N Khan, Shields R, Jaffer, A. Autonomic Neuropathy in a patient with Orthostatic Hypotension and Diarrhea.
Presented at the Ohio chapter of American College of Physicians/ASIM; October 13, 2000,
Cincinnati, Ohio
6. Khan, N., Reddy, S., Hull, A., Jaffer, A. Subacute Thyroiditis: A Common Cause For Anterior Neck Pain.
Presented at The 23rd Annual Society of General Internal Medicine Meeting, May 2-4, 2000, Boston, MA.
Presented at the Cleveland Clinic Internal Medicine Research Day, 2000
7. Kim A, Braver Y, Jaffer, A. Diabetic Neuropathic (Charcot) Arthropathy: A forgotten Diagnosis?
Presented at the 24th Annual Society of General Internal Medicine Meeting, May 2-4, 2001,
San Diego, CA.
Journal of General Internal Medicine, 2001:16 Suppl. 1
Presented at the Cleveland Clinic Internal Medicine Research Day, 2001
8. Khan, N, Cheong B, Jaffer, A. Anticonvulsant Hypersensitivity Syndrome: A Call for Increasing Awareness.
Presented at the 24th Annual Society of General Internal Medicine Meeting, May 2-4, 2001,
San Diego, CA
Presented at the Ohio chapter of American College of Physicians/ASIM; October 15, 2001
Presented at the Cleveland Clinic Internal Medicine Research Day, 2001
Journal of General Internal Medicine, 2001; 16 Suppl. 1
9. Land, W, Copeland L, Mehta N, Jaffer A, Caiola E, Gildea T. To teach EBM or Notto Teach EBM?: How to Enthuse Residents and Staff To practice Evidence Based Medicine (EBM)
Journal of General Internal Medicine 2001;16:Suppl. 1
10. Jneid, H., Jaffer, A., Isaacson, JH. Itching After a Warm Shower: What does it tell us?
Presented at 25th Annual Society of General Internal Medicine Meeting, May 2-5, 2002
Atlanta, GA
Presented at the Cleveland Clinic Internal Medicine Research Day, 2002
11. Avila, M, Jaffer, A. Osteomyelitis Presenting as a Soft Tissue Mass.
Journal of General Internal Medicine 2002;17:Suppl. 1
12. So, R, Burke, S, Jaffer, A. Perceptions and Satisfaction with A Computerized Medical Record System: A Survey of Outpatient Internal Medicine Patients.
Presented at the 25th Annual Society of General Internal Medicine Meeting, May 2-5, 2002, Atlanta, GA
Journal of General Internal Medicine 2002;17:Suppl. 1
Presented at the Cleveland Clinic Internal Medicine Research Day, 2002
13. Jacob JT, Jaffer AK. Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug Associated Lower Gastrointestinal Toxicity.
Presented at the 26th Annual Society of General Internal Medicine Meeting, April 30 to May 3, 2003, Vancouver, Canada.
Journal of General Internal Medicine 2003;18:Suppl. 1
Presented at the Cleveland Clinic Internal Medicine Research Day, 2003
14. Hahn K, Jacob JT, Almahameed S, Jaffer AK. Type I Diabetic with Inflammatory Bowel Disease Presenting with Lower Extremity Ulcers and Ketoacidosis.
Presented at the 26th Annual Society of General Internal Medicine Meeting, May 3, 2003, Vancouver, Canada
Journal of General Internal Medicine 2003;18:Suppl. 1
Presented at the 4th Annual Midwest Regional Meeting of the Society of Hospital Medicine, Sept 12-13, Chicago, IL
15. Almahameed S, Jacob JT, Jaffer AK. A Woman with Ascending Demyelinating Peripheral Neuropathy, Cranial Nerve Palsy and Cardiac Dysautonomia.
Presented at the 26th Annual Society of General Internal Medicine Meeting, May 3, 2003, Vancouver, Canada
Journal of General Internal Medicine 2003;18:Suppl. 1
Presented at the Cleveland Clinic Internal Medicine Research Day, 2003
Presented at the 4th Annual Midwest Regional Meeting of the Society of Hospital Medicine, Sept 12-13, Chicago, IL
16. Jaffer A, Ahmed M, Bragg L, Seshadri N, Klein A. Safety and efficacy of using low-molecular-weight-heparins to bridge patients on long-term Warfarin.
Presented at the XIX International Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Birmingham, UK, July 12-18, 2003
Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis; supplement 1July 2003 [P1862]
Presented at the 4th Annual Midwest Regional Meeting of the Society of Hospital Medicine, Sept 12-13, Chicago, IL
Presented at the Cleveland Clinic Internal Medicine Research Day, 2004
17. Brotman DJ, Hurbanek JG, Jaffer A, Morra N. Postmenopausal Hormone Replacement Therapy and Venous Thromboembolism Following Orthopedic Surgery.
Presented at the 27th Annual Meeting of the Society of General Internal Medicine, May 14, 2004, Chicago, IL.
18. Jaffer A and Brotman D. Thrombolysis in Submassive Pulmonary Embolism: Yes or No?
Presented at the Society of Hospital Meeting, April 20-21, 2004, New Orleans, LA.
19. Jaffer A and Brotman D. An Elderly Man with Fever and Back Pain.
Presented at the Society of Hospital Meeting, April 20-21, 2004, New Orleans, LA.
20. Brotman DJ, Jaffer AK, Hurbanek JG, Morra N. Warfarin Prophylaxis and Venous Thromboembolism Occurring with 5 Days of Joint Arthroplasty: A Case Control Study
Presented at the Society of Hospital Meeting, April 20-21, 2004, New Orleans, LA.
21. Brotman DJ, Jaffer AK, Barsoum, WK, Hurbanek JG, Morra N, Krebs, V Duration of Anesthesia and Venous Thromboembolism Following Orthopedic Surgery
Presented at the Society of Hospital Medicine Meeting, Chicago, IL 2005
22. Jaffer AK, Brotman, DJ, White, RH. The Perioperative and Periprocedural Management of Warfarin: The PPMW study.
Presented at the International Society of Thrombosis and Hemostasis, Sydney, Australia, 2005
1. Bhat YM, Jeremias A, Maqbool and Jaffer AK. "An 86-Year-Old Woman with Chest Pain." In: Longworth DL, Stoller JK, Casey DM, Jewell JK. eds. Cleveland Clinic Internal Medicine Case Reviews. Philadelphia, PA, Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins, 2003.
2. Rapp JA, Baytion M, Bhat Y, Jaffer AK. "A 33-Year-Old Female with Chest Pain and Shortness of breath.: In: Longworth DL, Stoller JK, Casey DM, Jewell JK. eds. Cleveland Clinic Internal Medicine Case Reviews. Philadelphia, PA, Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins, 2003.
3. Jaffer A. “Consultants: Coordination and communication.” Submitted to the Society of Hospital Medicine, 2004 to be published in the Society of Hospital Medicine’s Core Curriculum Guide
4. Jaffer, AK and Brotman, DB. Prevention of Postoperative Venous Thromboembolism and Perioperative Management of Anticoagulation in the Cancer Patient. To be published in the textbook titled Internal Medicine Care of the Cancer Patients from MD Anderson, 2005.
5. Jaffer, AK, Kaatz, SK and Brotman, DB. Perioperative Management of Warfarin.:In Cohn,S, Smetana,J and Weeed, H. eds. Just the Facts in Perioperative Medicine, 2005. In Press
6. Jaffer, AK and Mandell, B. Orthopedic Surgery.:In Cohn,S, Smetana,J and Weeed, H. eds. Just the Facts in Perioperative Medicine, 2005. In Press
7. Jaffer, AK, Kaboli, P, Kaatz, S. Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism.:In Cohn,S, Smetana,J and Weeed, H. eds. Just the Facts in Perioperative Medicine, 2005. In Press
8. Brotman, DB and Jaffer, AK. Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism. In Cohn,S, Smetana,J and Weeed, H. eds. Just the Facts in Perioperative Medicine, 2005. In Press.
9. Jaffer, AK and Brotman, DJ. Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism in the Elderly. Geriatric Clinics of North America, 2005. In Press
10. Jaffer, AK. Deep Vein Thrombosis: In Williams, MV, Hayward, R. Comprehensive Hospital Medicine
First Edition 2006. In Press
11. Stein, J, Phy M and Jaffer, A. Perioperative Anticoagulation: Prophylaxis for Venous Thromboembolism In Williams, MV, Hayward, R. Comprehensive Hospital Medicine, First Edition 2006. In Press
12. Stein, J, Phy M and Jaffer, A. Perioperative Management of Warfarin. In Williams, MV, Hayward, R. Comprehensive Hospital Medicine, First Edition 2006. In Press
To be published late 2005
Associate Editor of the book Hospital Medicine Secrets
Local, National and International
“Use of Low-Molecular-Weight Heparins in the Outpatient Management of Deep Vein Thrombosis”
The Cleveland Clinic, Dept. of General Internal Medicine, Grand Rounds
Cleveland, OH - November, 1998
“Hyperhomocysteinemia and Cardiovascular Disease”
The Cleveland Clinic, Dept. of General Internal Medicine, Grand Rounds
Cleveland, OH - November, 1999
“Outpatient Management of Deep Vein Thrombosis”
Kaiser Permanente, Dept. of Medicine, Grand Rounds
Cleveland, OH - February, 2000
“Outpatient Management of Deep Vein Thrombosis”
Marymount Hospital, Dept. of Medicine, Staff Meeting
Cleveland, OH – August, 2000
“Clinical Uses of Low-Molecular Weight Heparins”
The Cleveland Clinic, Dept. of General Internal Medicine, Grand Rounds
Cleveland, OH - September, 2000
“Strategies for DVT treatment and prevention”
The Annual Meeting of the Alleghany Medical Society
Pittsburgh PA - October 2000
“Clinical Uses of LMWHs”
The Chillicothe VA Hospital, Dept. of Medicine, Grand Rounds
Chillicothe, OH - December, 2000
“Outpatient Management of Deep Vein Thrombosis”
The Cleveland Clinic, Division of Internal Medicine, Grand Rounds
Cleveland, OH - February, 2001
“Management of Venous Thromboembolism”
The St. Elizabeth Hospital's Annual Retreat of the Division of Internal Medicine
Youngstown, OH - March 2001
“Update in Anticoagulation and Thromboembolism: LMWHs indications of use including bridging.”
The 24th Annual Society of General Internal Medicine Meeting,
San Diego, CA - May, 2001
"Management of Oral Anticoagulation "
Stroke Update
Parma Community General hospital
May 16, 2001
“Management of Venous Thromboembolism”
The Georgia Cancer Specialists, Journal Club
Atlanta, GA - July 2001
“Advances in the Management of Venous Thromboembolism”
The American Philippine Medical Association's Annual meeting
Cleveland, OH - July 26, 2001
"The Treatment of Deep Vein Thrombosis"
Current Concepts in Thrombosis Lecture Series
Mansfield, OH - October 2, 2001
"Expanding role of Anticoagulation Clinics"
The Northeast Ohio Anticoagulation Symposium
Toledo, OH - October 3, 2001
"The Treatment of Deep Vein Thrombosis"
Current Concepts in Thrombosis Lecture Series
Dallas, TX - November 7, 2001
“Advances in the Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism”
University of Tennessee, Chattanooga Unit’s, Eighth Annual Internal Medicine Update & Aging Patient Symposium
Chattanooga, TN - November 9, 2001
“Medical Aspects in the Management of Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism”
Combined Medical/Surgical Challenges. A Conference sponsored by the
Fairview Hospital Departments of Medicine and Surgery
Cleveland, OH - November 14, 2001
“Advances in the Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism”
West Michigan Anticoagulation Symposium
Grand Rapids, MI - November 30, 2001
Problem Based Learning: Cases in Venous Thromboembolism
Las Vegas, NV - December 7, 2001
“Treatment and Prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis”
The Deaconess Hospital Grand Rounds
Cleveland, OH - February 6, 2002
“Treatment of Deep Vein Thrombosis”
Meridia Huron Hospital
Cleveland, OH - February 22, 2002
"The Treatment of Deep Vein Thrombosis"
Current Concepts in Thrombosis Lecture Series
Cleveland, OH - March 5, 2002
“Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia: An Update"
The 25th Annual Society of General Internal Medicine Meeting,
The Anticoagulation and Thromboembolism Interest Group Session
Atlanta, GA - May, 2002
"The Treatment and Prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis"
National Visiting Professor Series
Athens, GA- May 9, 2002
"The Treatment and Prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis"
The Northeast Georgia Medical Center Grand Rounds
Gainsville, GA - May 10, 2002
"Preoperative Cardiac Risk Assessment"
Anesthesia M&M Rounds
Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Cleveland, OH - June 12, 2002
"The Treatment and Prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis"
Shawnee Mission Medical Center Medical Grand Rounds
Kansas City, MO - June 21, 2002
"The Treatment and Prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis"
Menorah Hospital Medical Grand Rounds
Kansas City, MO - June 21, 2002
"The Treatment and Prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis"
McAllen Medical Center Grand Rounds
McAllen, TX - July 9, 2002
"The Treatment and Prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis"
Harlingen Medical Center CME Program
Harlingen, TX - July 9, 2002
"The Treatment and Prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis"
CME Program at the Pattie A Clay Hospital
Richmond, KY - August 12, 2002
"Perioperative Anticoagulation Management and Treatment of VTE"
CME Program at the Trumbull Memorial Hospital
Warren, OH - August 13, 2002
"The Treatment and Prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis"
CME Program at CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Memorial
Corpus Christi, TX – September 10, 2002
"The Treatment and Prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis"
CME Program at Gulf Coast Chapter of Family Practice
Corpus Christi, TX – September 10, 2002
"Perioperative Management of Patients on Long-term Warfarin"
Seminar for 3rd Midwest NAIP (National Association of Inpatient Physicians) Meeting
Cleveland, OH - September 3, 2002
"Current Treatment and Prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis"
CME Program at St. Claire Medical Center
Morehead, KY - October 4, 2002
"Current Treatment and Prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis"
CME Program at Pikesville Methodist Hospital
Pikesville, KY – October 5, 2002.
"The Treatment and Prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis"
CME Program at Jameson Health System.
New Castle, PA- , November 4, 2002
"Current Treatment and Prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis
CME Program at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital of Macomb
Clinton Township, MI – November 7, 2002
"Preoperative Evaluation"
Asociacion De Medicina Interna De Mexico, A.C
XXV Congreso Nacional De Medicina Interna
Villahermosa, Mexico, November 18, 2002
"Adult Immunizations"
Asociacion De Medicina Interna De Mexico, A.C
XXV Congreso Nacional De Medicina Interna
Villahermosa, Mexico, November 18, 2002
"Current Treatment and Prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis"
Grand Rounds at St. Joseph Medical Center
Towson, MD– November 7, 2002
"Current Treatment and Prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis"
Grand Rounds at Presbyterian Hospital of Greenville
Greenville, TX– January 23, 2003
Current Treatment and Prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis
Grand Rounds at Memorial Hospital
York, PA–February 5, 2003
"Management of Patients on Long-term Warfarin"
Internal Medicine Update
Parma Hospital
Independence, Ohio--February 26, 2003
"Current Treatment and Prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis
Grand Rounds at Providence Hospital
Southfield, MI--February 28, 2003
Bridging patients on warfarin with LMWHs
Current Concepts in Thrombosis Lecture Series
Westlake, OH--March 13, 2003
Current Treatment and Prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis
Grand Rounds at Bon Secours Hospital
Grosspointe, MI--April 7, 2003
Treatment and prevention of Venous Thromboembolism in the Medical patient
St. Peters Hospital
Albany, New York--April 23, 2003
"Precourse Director for Update on Anticoagulation and Thromboembolism
26th Annual Meeting of the Society of General Internal Medicine
Vancouver, Canada--April 30, 2003
Low-Molecular -Weight Heparins: Indications for use in special populations and situations
26th Annual Meeting of the Society of General Internal Medicine
Vancouver, Canada--April 30, 2003
Update on Venous Thrombembolism prevention in the Orthopedic Patient
In the Update session on Perioperative Medicine
26th Annual Meeting of the Society of General Internal Medicine
Vancouver, Canada--May 2, 2003
Bridging with Low-Molecular-Weight Heparins
Internal Medicine Grand Rounds at Akron General Hospital
Akron, Ohio—May 29, 2003
Update in Anticoagulation and Thromboembolism
Cleveland Clinic, Dept. of General Internal Medicine Grand Rounds
Cleveland, Ohio—June 11, 2003
Current Treatment and Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism
Michigan State University/Kalamazoo Center for Medical Studies
Dept. of Internal Medicine Grand Rounds
Kalamazoo, MI—August 6, 2003
The Preoperative Evaluation: An Evidence based approach to Risk Assessment and Risk Reduction Therapy
Cleveland Clinic, Division of Medicine Grand Rounds
Cleveland, Ohio—August 21, 2003
Perioperative Management of Patients on Long-term Warfarin Therapy
Southwest General Medical Center
Dept. of Medicine Grand Rounds
Middleburgh Heights, Ohio—September 6, 2003
Perioperative Management of Patients on Long-term Warfarin Therapy
Lakewood Hospital
Dept. of Medicine Grand Rounds
Lakewood, Ohio—September 10, 2003
Perioperative Care and the Hospitalist: Opportunities for Consultation and Co-management
4th Midwest Society of Hospital Medicine Annual Meeting
Chicago, IL—September 12, 2003
Anticoagulation Therapy: An Update for Nurses
Critical Care Update for Nurses
Westlake, OH—September 18, 2003
Anticoagulation Therapy: An Update for Nurses
Critical Care Update for Nurses
Westlake, OH—September 23, 2003
Treatment and Prevention of VTE.
Memorial Hospital of South Bend Special Medical Conference
South Bend, IN—September 24, 2003
Perioperative Evaluation of the Surgical Patient
Monongahela Valley Hospital's--Advances in Medicine—2003
Monongahela, PA—October 15, 2003
Treatment and Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism
Akron City Hospital Grand Rounds
Akron, OH—October 24, 2003
Bridging with LMWHs
Lakeland Regional Health System CME Meeting
St. Joseph, MI—November 6, 2003
Treatment and Prevention of VTE
Aga Khan Univesity Hospital
Dept. of Orthopedics Grand Rounds
Karachi, Pakistan—Decemeber 24, 2003
Preoperative Cardiovascular Risk Assessment and Reduction
Cardiology Grand Rounds
National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases
Karachi, Pakisan—January 1, 2004
Perioperative Management of Warfarin
Academic Medical Center
Department of Vascular Medicine Meeting
Amsterdam, The Netherlands—January 8, 2004
Perioperative Management of Warfarin
Slotervaart Hospital
Department of Internal Medicine Meeting
Amsterdam, The Netherlands—January 9, 2004
Anticoagulation Therapy: Past, Present and Future
Meridia Euclid Hospital Grand Rounds
Euclid, OH—January 15, 2004
VTE Prevention in Medical patients
Rex Hospital
Raleigh, NC—February 24, 2004
VTE Prevention and Treatment
Central Cardinal Hospital Grand Rounds
Sanford, NC—February 25, 2004
Prevention and Treatment of VTE
First Health Moore Regional Health Care CME Program
Pinehurst, NC—February 25, 2004
Prevention and Treatment of Venous thromboembolism
Medical Grand Rounds at Cayuga Medical Center
Ithaca, NY—February 27, 2004
Prevention and Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism
Medical Grand Rounds at Guthrie Medical Center
Sayre, PA—February 27, 2004
Perioperative Care: Opportunities for Medical Consultation
UT MD Anderson Medical Center
Dept of Medicine Grand Rounds
Houston, TX—March 8, 2004
Prevention and Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism
Medical Grand Rounds at Mc Allen Medical Center
McAllen, TX—March 9, 2004
Prevention and Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism
Medical Grand Rounds at Brownsvile Medical Center
Brownsville, TX—March 9, 2004
Surgical Co-Management
Annual Meeting of the Society of Hospital Medicine
New Orleans, LA—April 20, 2004
Perioperative and Periprocedural Management of Patients on Long-term Warfarin
Medical Grand Rounds
Munson Medical Center
Traverse City, MI—April 27, 2004
Perioperative and Periprocedural Management of Patients on Long-term Warfarin
Medical Grand Rounds
Northern Michigan Hospital
Traverse City, MI—April 27, 2004
AF Forum: Management, Anticoagulation and Stroke Prevention
CME Program
Houston, TX—May 1, 2004
Update in Perioperative Medicine
Update on VTE and Anticoagulation
The 27th Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting
Chicago, IL—May 14, 2004
Board Simulation in Preoperative Evaluation
16th Annual Intensive Review of Internal Medicine
Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Cleveland, OH—June 6, 2004
AF Forum: Management, Anticoagulation and Stroke Prevention
CME Program
Memphis, TN—June 12, 2004
Venous Thromboembolism Disease Prophylaxis: Treatment Considerations in Long-Term Care
Rountable Organized by Pinnacle health Communications
Baltimore, MD—July 21, 2004
Treating VTE in Special Patient Groups
Grassroots Thrombosis Series
Philadelphia, PA—July 24, 2004
Treating VTE in Special Patient Groups
Grassroots Thrombosis Series
Boston, MA—July 31, 2004
Treatment and Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism
Cardiology Grand Rounds at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital
Norfolk, VA—September 14, 2004
Treatment and Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism
Internal Medicine Grand Rounds at Sentara General Hospital
Virginia Beach, VA—September 14, 2004
Unresolved Issues in Anticoagulation Therapy
Grand Rounds, Dept of General Internal Medicine
Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Cleveland, OH—September 22, 2004
Preparing Paitents for Surgery in Complex Systems
Pennsylvania Medical Society Meeting on
Protecting Patients in Complex systems
Pittsburgh, PA—September 23, 2004
Atrial Fibrillation: Management, Anticoagulation, and stroke Prevention.
Medical Grand Rounds
Beaver Medical Center
Beaver, PA—October 8, 2004
Atrial Fibrillation: Management, Anticoagulation, and stroke Prevention.
Medical Grand Rounds
St. Vincent’s Charity Hospital
Cleveland, OH—January 19, 2005
Controversies in Anticoagulation Therapy
Medical Grand Rounds
University of California, San Diego
San Diego, CA—January 26, 2005
Treatment and Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism
Internal Medicine Grand Rounds at Knapp Medical Center
Weslaco, TX—March 3, 2005
Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism in Medical and Surgical patients
The 6th Annual Antithrombotic Symposium
Sponsored by Henry Ford Health Sytem and Wayne State
Detroti, MI—March 21, 2005
The True Impact of Venous Thromboembolism: Is enough being done in Hospitals?
Bellin Health Systems
Green bay, WI—March 24, 2005
Unresolved Issues in Anticoagulant Therapy
St. Vincent’s Hospital
Cleveland, OH—April 5, 2005
Starting and Sustaining a Successful Practice in Perioperative Medicine
Perioperative Medicine Precourse
Annual Meeting of the Society of Hospital Medicine
Chicago, IL—April 28, 2005
Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism in Hospitalized Patients
Rochester General Hospital
Rochester, NY—May 5, 2005
Update in Anticoagulation and Thromboembolism
Precourse Co-Director
The 28th Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting
New Orleans, LA —May 11, 2005
Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism
Internal Medicine Grand Rounds
St. Joseph Mercy Hospital
Ann Arbor, MI—May 25, 2005
Update in Perioperative Medicine
Update on VTE and Anticoagulation
The 28th Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting
New Orleans, LA —May 11, 2005
Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism
Deaconess Hospital
Evansville, IN –May 26, 2005
Board Simulation in Preoperative Evaluation
17th Annual Intensive Review of Internal Medicine
Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Cleveland, OH—June 5, 2005
Management of Venous Thromboembolism
Internal Medicine Grand Rounds
St. Mary Hospital
Grand Rapids, MI—September 14, 2005
Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism in Hospitalized Patients
Genesys Hospital
Flint, MI—September 28, 2005
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